Angel Hour - Members Only
1:00 PM13:00

Angel Hour - Members Only

We welcome all members to come along to this casual event with Sydney Angel Committee Members, Adrian Bunter.  This is a an opportunity to ask questions, share your knowledge and experiences and speak with other Angels outside of our usual and more serious cycle meetings. 

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First Syndicate Meeting Workshop - Members Only
12:00 PM12:00

First Syndicate Meeting Workshop - Members Only

This is an interactive workshop, where members have the opportunity to learn about important first steps in our investment process. The first syndicate meeting where interested members meet together with the founders and management team, to get to know each other, and plan the next steps for due diligence.

This workshop is open to Sydney Angels Members only.

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Angel Hour - Members Only
1:00 PM13:00

Angel Hour - Members Only

We welcome all members to come along to this casual event with Sydney Angel Committee Members, Adrian Bunter.  This is a an opportunity to ask questions, share your knowledge and experiences and speak with other Angels outside of our usual and more serious cycle meetings. 

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End to End Investment Management Workshop - Members Only
12:00 PM12:00

End to End Investment Management Workshop - Members Only

This workshop will bring our Investment Process Guide to life, covering the steps in the investment process from when you’ve seen a company pitch at one of our Members Meetings, to when a deal is closed and you’ve invested money. It is a summary of the stages in the process and complements our other workshops (e.g. syndicate coordination, appropriate DD for different business models, valuation, term sheets, post-investment management etc.) that go into depth on a specific stage or issue. It will describe the tools (e.g. Gust, Trello board, guides and templates) and support we provide to help your syndicate, as well as the things we plan to do to help the founders of the company you are considering investing in. It will provide guidance for your syndicate on how to strike an appropriate balance between work and risk during the due diligence and term sheet stages, based on the maturity of the company and the nature of the deal.

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Angel Hour - Members Only
1:00 PM13:00

Angel Hour - Members Only

Angel Hour

We welcome all members to come along to this casual event with Sydney Angel Committee Members, Adrian Bunter.  This is a an opportunity to ask questions, share your knowledge and experiences and speak with other Angels outside of our usual and more serious cycle meetings. 

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Appropriate Due Diligence for Common Business Models.  Members Only
12:00 PM12:00

Appropriate Due Diligence for Common Business Models. Members Only

Appropriate Due Diligence for Common Business Models Workshop

This workshop will address the appropriate focus and level of DD for the stage a business is at. We will also look at the appropriate DD for some stereotypes of businesses in our deal-flow, like: marketplaces, SaaS, software/hardware hybrids, and medical devices. We will discuss case examples. We’ll also discuss the practicalities of doing DD on businesses that don’t have customers or proven products yet, and how to mitigate the unavoidable risks of the unknown and the untestable.

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Valuing a Startup Workshop- Members Only
12:00 PM12:00

Valuing a Startup Workshop- Members Only

Valuing a Startup Workshop

This is an interactive workshop on Valuing a Startup. Valuation is a complex area, and there are a number of unique challenges in valuing young companies and determining value (price), now is your chance to come and hear from our highly experienced presenter on how to navigate this process. Come along to learn about valuing startups, what impacts valuations and look at case studies.

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End to End Investment Management Workshop - Members Only
12:00 PM12:00

End to End Investment Management Workshop - Members Only

End to End Investment Management Workshop

This workshop will bring our Investment Process Guide to life, covering the steps in the investment process from when you’ve seen a company pitch at one of our Members Meetings, to when a deal is closed and you’ve invested money. It is a summary of the stages in the process and complements our other workshops (e.g. syndicate coordination, appropriate DD for different business models, valuation, term sheets, post-investment management etc.) that go into depth on a specific stage or issue. It will describe the tools (e.g. Gust, Trello board, guides and templates) and support we provide to help your syndicate, as well as the things we plan to do to help the founders of the company you are considering investing in. It will provide guidance for your syndicate on how to strike an appropriate balance between work and risk during the due diligence and term sheet stages, based on the maturity of the company and the nature of the deal.

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Angel Hour
1:00 PM13:00

Angel Hour

We welcome members to come along to this casual event with Sydney Angel Committee Members. This is an opportunity to ask questions on any angel related topics (whether it be pre or post-investment), share your knowledge and experiences and speak with other angels outside of our usual and more serious cycle meetings. Further, network with and strengthen your relationships with other angel investors.

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Syndicate Coordinators Workshop
7:30 AM07:30

Syndicate Coordinators Workshop

Syndicate Coordinators Workshop

Coordinating a syndicate is an important role in the Sydney Angels team-based investing model. Members will be taken through the requirements and activities of this role as well as resources to assist. Discussion will cover the members' meeting, the first syndicate meeting all the way through to a terms sheet and Side Car Fund involvement.

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Angel Hour
5:00 PM17:00

Angel Hour

We welcome members to come along to this casual face to face event with Sydney Angel Committee Members. This is an opportunity to ask questions on any angel related topics (whether it be pre or post-investment), share your knowledge and experiences and speak with other angels outside of our usual and more serious cycle meetings. Further, network with and strengthen your relationships with other angel investors.

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Post Investment Management Workshop - Members Only
12:00 PM12:00

Post Investment Management Workshop - Members Only

Post Investment Management Workshop

So, you’ve put your money in – now what?

This workshop will focus on the importance of maintaining an ongoing dialogue, information flow and supportive relationship with your investee companies. Angel investing is not a passive investment style and the Sydney Angels hallmark of team-based investing will be expanded on in the post-investment context. In addition to discussing information exchanges and development of company-specific metrics, the different kinds of interaction will be explored including formal board membership, advisory boards, mentoring, observer status and further round contributions. These are all factors which can maximise the chances of your investment being successful.

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First Syndicate Meeting Workshop - Members Only
12:00 PM12:00

First Syndicate Meeting Workshop - Members Only

First Syndicate Meeting Workshop

This is an interactive workshop, where members have the opportunity to learn about important first steps in our investment process. The first syndicate meeting where interested members meet together with the founders and management team, to get to know each other, and plan the next steps for due diligence.

This workshop is open to Sydney Angels Members only.

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First Syndicate Meeting Workshop - Members Only
1:00 PM13:00

First Syndicate Meeting Workshop - Members Only

First Syndicate Meeting Workshop

This is an interactive workshop, where members have the opportunity to learn about important first steps in our investment process. The first syndicate meeting where interested members meet together with the founders and management team, to get to know each other, and plan the next steps for due diligence.

This workshop is open to Sydney Angels Members only.

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Valuing a Startup Workshop- Members Only
1:00 PM13:00

Valuing a Startup Workshop- Members Only

Valuing a Startup Workshop

This is an interactive workshop on Valuing a Startup. Valuation is a complex area, and there are a number of unique challenges in valuing young companies and determining value (price), now is your chance to come and hear from our highly experienced presenter on how to navigate this process. Come along to learn about valuing startups, what impacts valuations and look at case studies.

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Angel Hour - Members Only
1:00 PM13:00

Angel Hour - Members Only

Angel Hour

We welcome all members to come along to this casual event with Sydney Angel Committee Members, Adrian Bunter.  This is a an opportunity to ask questions, share your knowledge and experiences and speak with other Angels outside of our usual and more serious cycle meetings. 

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Syndicate Coordinators Workshop
7:30 AM07:30

Syndicate Coordinators Workshop

Syndicate Coordinators Workshop

Coordinating a syndicate is an important role in the Sydney Angels team-based investing model. Members will be taken through the requirements and activities of this role as well as resources to assist. Discussion will cover the members' meeting, the first syndicate meeting all the way through to a terms sheet and Side Car Fund involvement.

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