This workshop will bring our Investment Process Guide to life, covering the steps in the investment process from when you’ve seen a company pitch at one of our Members Meetings, to when a deal is closed and you’ve invested money. It is a summary of the stages in the process and complements our other workshops (e.g. syndicate coordination, appropriate DD for different business models, valuation, term sheets, post-investment management etc.) that go into depth on a specific stage or issue. It will describe the tools (e.g. Gust, Trello board, guides and templates) and support we provide to help your syndicate, as well as the things we plan to do to help the founders of the company you are considering investing in. It will provide guidance for your syndicate on how to strike an appropriate balance between work and risk during the due diligence and term sheet stages, based on the maturity of the company and the nature of the deal.